Hello Friends,
I am so excited to announce my six week Horsemanship for Nervous System Health Intensive!
I am inviting five horse and human partnerships to join me on a progressive journey where we will explore many ways our everyday handling and training can profoundly promote wellness.
Through cultivating emotional elasticity within ourselves and our beloved horses, we will learn to promote nervous system regulation + co-regulation, emotional + physical soundness and deeper connection through communication.
This intensive is $600 total and will include:
💫 A free 20min introductory consult call
💫 Six 80min 1:1 sessions at $100/session (20% off) virtual or haul in
💫 A free 20min follow up/check in call once the intensive has concluded
✨ Week One: Theory and Principles
✨ Week Two: Extended Embodiment
✨ Week Three: Offering a Feel
✨ Week Four: The Four Corners
✨ Week Five: It’s In The Feet
✨ Week Six: Everything is Connected
This intensive is open to all and ideal for-
❣️ First time horse owners
❣️ New partnerships
❣️ Horses who exhibit undesirable behaviour
❣️ Partnerships seeking deeper connection
The intensive will begin on February 15th 2025. Applications close February 1st. I look forward to seeing you then!
~ Chiara 💕
Link for Application: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/12RPNeHIDrnhG-r3rnbWISmSbBov_DhEsWnpjn8GX1mA/edit